Still A Student And Want To Donate? Charity Tips For Non-Earners

Do you want to be a part of a charity or NGO but don’t have the funds? Do you want to help others but don’t have the required resources? Who told you that donations can be done only in the form of money? If you’re keen to help out a good cause, you don’t have to put your hand in your pocket. There are many school and college students who are successfully contributing to serve a noble cause without donating a single penny. From donating your time to giving your old clothes and books to the needy, donations can be done in multiple ways. You can also volunteer in raising awareness among people to donate money to NGOs.

Here we are discussing some interesting ways through which you can contribute to an NGO or charity without donating money.


If you are not earning and still studying, then volunteering your time for a cause you care about is the best way to make a difference. It is a terrific chance to advance your talents and get priceless experience if you want to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector. You can spend some time at an old age home or assist food NGOs to serve food to the underprivileged. It can be a great experience for you to gain at a young age.

Do Fundraising For NGO

By taking part in the fundraising activities of an NGO or charity, you can play your role in contributing to a noble cause. This can include tasks like – collecting donations while driving, through door-to-door collections, selling goods produced by the NGO or selling crafts taught to children or adults, & more. You can also go for online fundraising methods including email campaigns, social media, and website crowdsourcing.

Campaigning For NGOs

Using social media platforms, you can do a lot with minimum effort. Anyone can reach out to millions of people about an NGO’s work, causes, fundraising targets, and more. Take initiatives to advertise an NGO’s new and upcoming campaigns, their goals, targets, and the issues they’re attempting to create awareness for. If you have a good number of followers on your social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook, you can share a post of the same to fetch people’s attention.

Donate Supplies Or Used Items

Consider donating basic supplies and old items that are no longer in use for you. This will benefit both you and the charities you support. You can donate non-perishable food and pantry items, old toys, books, clothes, furniture, etc. To start with, you can donate your old stuff to your maid or servant.

Raise Awareness

If donating money is not your cup of tea, perhaps someone else can probably be happy to do so. Making people aware of a cause you care deeply about is a terrific strategy to increase donations to that organization. You could do this in a variety of ways, including blogging about the concerns you wish to highlight and using social media.

Final Words –

Studies show that giving to others has a greater emotional payoff than buying for ourselves. Due to better social consciousness, it is now simple and common to collect necessities like water, clothing, blankets, and medicine. There is no doubt that you can always donate to charities, regardless of how much money you make (or whether you make any at all). There is no specific limitation linked to donations. Think about how much time you have to spare and what change you can most effectively make.